7.6.2007, Seminar Tehnike pipetiranje, izvor napak pri pipetiranju ter kalibracija pipet (Pipetting technic and cause of pipetting mistakes and calibration of pipets). KEMOMED, National Institute of Biology, Biotechnology Department
7.6.2007, Seminar Tehnike pipetiranje, izvor napak pri pipetiranju ter kalibracija pipet (Pipetting technic and cause of pipetting mistakes and calibration of pipets). KEMOMED, National Institute of Biology, Biotechnology Department
D. Delić, 7.6.2007, Seminar Tehnike pipetiranje, izvor napak pri pipetiranju ter kalibracija pipet (Pipetting technic and cause of pipetting mistakes and calibration of pipets). KEMOMED, National Institute of Biology, Biotechnology Department, 2007.
Bibliographic Citation
D. Delić, 7.6.2007, Seminar Tehnike pipetiranje, izvor napak pri pipetiranju ter kalibracija pipet (Pipetting technic and cause of pipetting mistakes and calibration of pipets). KEMOMED, National Institute of Biology, Biotechnology Department, 2007