Pricing of oral generic cancer medicines in 25 European countries; findings and implications


Pricing of oral generic cancer medicines in 25 European countries; findings and implications





Bibliografski citat

B. Godman, A. Hill, S. Simoens, A. Kurdi, J. Gulbinovic, A. Margus, A. Timoney, D. Gotham, J. Wale, T. Bochenek, I. Hoxha, C. Rodrigues, C. Hierlander, A. Malaj, R. Sauremann, W. Hamelinck, Z. Mitkova, G. Petrova, O. Laius, C. Sermet, I. Langer, G. Selke, J. Yfantopoulos, R. Joppi, A. Jakupi, E. Poplavski, I. Greičiute-Kuprijanov, P. Vella Bonanno, H. Piepenbrink, V. Valk, C. Hagen, A. Ringerud, R. Plisko, M. Wladysiuk, V. Marković Peković, N. Grubiša, T. Ponorac, I. Mardare, T. Novakovic, M. Parker, J. Fraeyman, D. Tomek, M. Obach Cortadellas, C. Zara, M. Juhasz-Haverinen, P. Skiold, S. McTaggart, A. Heycox, Pricing of oral generic cancer medicines in 25 European countries; findings and implications, Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 49 - 70, Feb, 2019


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Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal

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